Time remaining to start

Information for debutants

Have you always wanted to do something crazy, different than everyone?  To prove yourself that you can do more than you think? Or maybe you have enough of hearing you that you won’t manage do it?  So what if we tell you that tens of thousands of people with similar questions in their heads stand at the start line of  every of our courses and they are the ones who create our ROUNDAGEDDON team?  No more excuses! Fight your doubts and obstacles that you put yourself! Runmageddon is not just running with obstacles, Runmageddon is the opportunity to break your own limits. Do not be a geek, become a mud freak!  
Here are a few "I would like, but…" that often appear in the mind of the debutant. WE WRECK ALL OF YOUR DOUBTS!
1. I’d like to, but I’m not a professional athlete, I don’t have a good condition.
 • Our participants are people with a passion for great fun, healthy competition, who likes to get tired and get dirty! You do not have to be a sport machine, all you have to do is show the will to fight, and the Cossack atmosphere will carry you to the finish! Start with shorter distances. At the beginning, choose INTRO (3km / + 15 obstacles), and ULTRA (41km / + 140) will come again! 
2. I’d like to, but I’m a lame runner.
 • Although Runmageddon is an extreme obstacle course, running is reduced to a minimum. You will only run from the obstacle to the obstacle, and believe us - these will be MUCH more than just running. At the finish line you will not notice that you have covered such distance, because you will only remember the obstacles you’ve tackled :)


3.  I’d like to, but I have weak arms.

• Everyone is strong enough, if one believes in it! After all, you do not have to face the obstacles alone. Cooperation is the key to success. Ask another participant for help and than help the others! IT’S HELL OF A FUN!!!

4. I’d like to, but how on earth will I climb such a high wall!?

 • A 3-meter wall ahead of you? You do not have to do it alone! Someone will always give you a hand. Then you will repay with the same on the next obstacle. And than you can run TOGETHER!

5. I’d like to, but what if I don’t have enough strength to finish my run?

• There’s no such possibility! As everyone knows – in the team there is strength! Believe us, the energy spread by Runmageddonians will not let you hesitate for a moment! And if this happens - stop, take a deep breath and continue to show your strength and character to the world!

6. I’d like to, but I'm afraid of hurting myself in some serious way • Runamgeddon is a sport, and this always means some risk, but the entire event is supervised by a whole team of professionals (medics, engineers, army of volunteers and our judges), and this is they biggest priority to keep the race without losses in people :) Of course, we can’t guarantee that you won’t end up with some bruises, but those are more trophies than injuries!


7. I’d like to, but I'm afraid that I will be the last at the finish line and it will be a run of shame!

• Such approach deserves a round of penalty burpees! In Runmageddon, everyone who takes the challenge is the winner! Shame and loss do not exist in the dictionary of real warriors! Got it!?


8. I’d like to, but I have no one to run with, and it feels weird to run alone…

 • Seriously? This is your excuse? There are a lot of people in every wave who do not belong to any team. They also, just like you, want to put their strength and character to the test and they stand on the start line without their friends! Meet new people on the Runmageddon route! Look around; ask if you can join forces and hit the route together! So now you have companion! In Runmageddon's history, we already have several weddings from such actions!


9. I’d like to, but how will I later come back to my house covered in mud?

• No worries! It is known that after every mud spa you should take a bath;) At each event there are showers and changing rooms, where you can wash and change into dry and clean things.

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